Whether your school year has started, or you have a few weeks of summer left - the Back to School excitement is contagious! With our newest update, Buncee 3.0 has got you covered when it comes to back-to-school activities and announcements, classroom and school graphics, and classroom decorations. Explore some of the ways you can use Buncee’s new creation possibilities below for back-to-school activities.
[See image gallery at blog.buncee.com]
About Me:
Students and teachers can create “About Me” Buncees to introduce themselves to new classmates, teachers, and the community. With our “All About Me” background category, and new canvas sizes, creating a Buncee to explain your interests is not only fun but engaging. Your students can introduce themselves with a design on their own, or you can easily send them a template to get them started.
Making your Classroom Personalized:
With Buncee, the classroom of your dreams is possible! With our new letter, banner, and custom canvas sizes, you can easily create classroom decor to hang around the room. Making your classroom spark is done easily by our stickers, shapes, drawing tool, and more. Whether you're creating a “Welcome Back to School” door sign or a motivational classroom poster, Buncee is the tool for your classroom design.
Journals and Notebooks:
Journaling is a great way for your students to reflect and documents their learning throughout the year. Having a journal and notebook templates you've created in Buncee makes it easy to get your students started on their reflective writing. Our new item type “Emojis” gives students the option to select emojis that demonstrate how they’re feeling about whatever subject or topic they’re learning about. These Emojis can help support social-emotional learning, and allow insight into how a student is feeling.
Classroom Printables:
From a bookmark for your student's favorite book to a science observation journal, Buncee is a great way for you to create your own classroom printables quickly and easily. With our drawing, shape, and opacity tools, Buncee gives you the power to create printables that go above and beyond your standard posters and handouts. You can create a beautiful, personalized creation with ease, print it out, and have it ready on your students’ desk that day!
We hope these ideas will support your classroom's Back to School initiatives and that with Buncee, you’ll discover endless possibilities that inspire you every day. If you're looking for inspiration on what you can do with our latest update, check out the other Buncee 3.0 blogs in our series: Enhance Parent Engagement with Buncee 3.0, and Branding your Classroom and School with Buncee 3.0. We can't wait to see what you create with our newest update, and be sure to share your creations with us on our Facebook Educators Page and on Twitter @Buncee!
The post Back to School Activities with Buncee 3.0 appeared first on Buncee Blog.