As a school administrator, I was first introduced to Buncee in July 2015 at an EdCampLeader “un”conference in Long Island, New York. One of my teachers that attended the conference won a free subscription at the end of the conference, and, unlike some freebies, this was a freebie that fit our school’s needs, and the subscription was immediately put to use at our school.
A couple of months later, we had Buncee Bryan at our school, teaching our 2nd grades how to use this creation and presentation tool.
“Bryan is still one of our favorite Buncee partners, and this educational tool has remained in the “most frequently used” category of educational tech tools at our school.“
As an administrator, I’ve since shared our school use of Buncee at various conferences, including LIASCD and the 2018 NYSABE conference (The New York State Association for Bilingual Education.) At NYSABE, we highlighted how the use of Buncee supported the theme of “Transforming Language Learners, Their Multi-literacies, and the World Through Bilingual Education”.
“During our emergency school closing in 2019-2020, Buncee was used to celebrate the great work our teachers and students did when we all had to quickly transition to remote teaching and learning.”
Northern Parkway’s theme this school year is “Cultivating Genius and Joy”.
“Although we can’t wait for all of our students to return to our school building – it has been reassuring to know that in our virtual learning environment, we now have the opportunity, space and time to use Buncee even more!“
Thanks to BNB and their generous grant, our students are finding joy and cultivating their genius with the use of Buncee in a variety of ways across all academic areas. As for me, Buncee has allowed me to quickly communicate with families through the easy to use recording feature and the ability to share directly to Google Classroom. Thank you Buncee for integrating such great features to inspire and assist administrators, teachers, and students!
About the Author
Dr. Sheilah M. Jefferson-Isaac is currently serving as an assistant principal at Northern Parkway Elementary School in Uniondale, New York. With over twenty-five years as a professional educator, her guiding educational philosophy is to empower students to become independent, creative thinkers. Her doctoral work focused on increasing the mathematical potential of those traditionally underrepresented in mathematically related fields. Dr. Jefferson-Isaac’s favorite motto and Twitter hashtag, #learningisjoyful, reminds us that school should be filled with joyful learning experiences.
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